Sunday, February 22, 2009

My grandaughter was visiting yesterday. We were discussing which movie we would watch. She wanted to watch 'Backyardigans' and I wanted 'Madagascar'. The conversation went like this:

M: "Well anyways, you can pick any movie you want."

Nanny:"Well I pick "Madagascar".

M:"No, you can only pick which movie you want from this one (Backyardigans)".

The other funny story was about her Great Grandmother Nanny Peggy , who has recently started using a computer.The other day when she was checking her email, a cookie popped up telling her she needed to clean her desktop. So Nanny Peggy started straightening up her computer desk.She moved some framed photos and dusted. When Poppy walked by he asked her what she was doing . She told him the computer told her to clean off her desk. Poppy said he thought the desk was a little messy.
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Monday, February 02, 2009

pretty fingers

My grandaughter and I had a sleep over. We did what all girls do at a slumber party. We painted out nails. She picked all different colours. I went for O.P.I."Royal Rajah Ruby. It's my all time favourite. We were careful not to paint her left thumb ,as that is the one she sucks.She told me she had switched thumbs as the right one has a big bump.Her soother is a hot pink satin piece of cloth that has a flat pig face on it. She has had it since birth. If it ever gets misplaced we have to turn the world upside down to find "Silky".
I suspect when she starts school, Silky will be in the bottom of the back pack , for a furtive little break during recess. We once dropped Silky on the road and had to retrace our route to find it. He/she had tire tracks all over it. A good wash restored it good as new.
My grandaughter has a vocabulary all her own. She calls cupcakes , "pupcakes".Her bicycle helmet is
her "helmo". Her mom runs a "dare kay" and she likes to buy treats for my "dare kay friends". She loves princesses and one of her favorite is Ariel , the little "ermaid". She told me the other day that Aurora was named Aurora because she "worries" alot, that's how come she's "Aworra".
When I was venting some frustration about the state of disrepair my house is in, she said ;"Nanny, when I am big , after Christmas, I'll get you a rainbow house. It feels like a rainbow house when she is iin it.
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