Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning , Falling Down!

I don't have a photo , but there should be one. This morning I went to an ecumenical out door service with some friends. We set up our chairs under a shady maple. Before the service began I spotted a gentleman handing out programs. I ran over to him and asked for a couple. On my way back to my seat, I tripped over a root and wen sprawling ,face first on the ground. There must have been a hundred people on the lawn, who witnessed my demise. To say it was embarrassing is an understatement! I was wearing a dress. I'm sure when I fell my lime green panties with pink ladybugs was exposed for all to see. A kind (cute) man came to my rescue. He helped me up and dusted me off and escorted me to my place. All I could do was to slink down and be very still in hopes everyone would forget the spectacle.
I don't like growing old. It's a lot like growing little again. Falling down on your face! Forgetting that it's Sunday and getting ready for a doctor's appointment,that isn't till tomorrow.
My wrist is throbbing. I hope it isn't breaking, The shame was greater than the pain. But now that I'm home it's hurting.
I haven't written for ages, The three readers(my two daughters and my sister in law ) have probably given up on me. I've been having too much fun this summer. It's been hot and sunny for over three weeks! We are getting acclimatized to this weather. I hate to think of it changing,
More and more I think I should move to Florida. I feel so happy when the sun is shining.