Sunday, February 22, 2009

My grandaughter was visiting yesterday. We were discussing which movie we would watch. She wanted to watch 'Backyardigans' and I wanted 'Madagascar'. The conversation went like this:

M: "Well anyways, you can pick any movie you want."

Nanny:"Well I pick "Madagascar".

M:"No, you can only pick which movie you want from this one (Backyardigans)".

The other funny story was about her Great Grandmother Nanny Peggy , who has recently started using a computer.The other day when she was checking her email, a cookie popped up telling her she needed to clean her desktop. So Nanny Peggy started straightening up her computer desk.She moved some framed photos and dusted. When Poppy walked by he asked her what she was doing . She told him the computer told her to clean off her desk. Poppy said he thought the desk was a little messy.
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