Light, I need some today. Outside my window is all white, a blustery snowy day.Not fit!
It's been awhile since I've posted on my blog. I love that some bloggers post daily, with lovely photos of their lives. I have a select group of blogging friends from different parts of the world. While I've never met some of them, I feel we are good friends and that if I'm ever in their "neck of the woods" I can stop in for tea...
I have been watching the happenings in Egypt with interest.What an amazing revolution.Little violence. Joy in the streets. What passion. I'd love one day to visit Tahrir Square .
My sad news was to lose my beloved dog just after Christmas. He had been sick over Christmas, and I was so upset as he was throwing up everyday. Finally I took him th the Vet. We thought it was his teeth. He went on antibiotics and didn't get well. So blood work was done, only to find the level of toxins in his blood were through the roof. He went on IV for two days, but then he started having seizures. The decision had to be made to let him go....I've done it before. It doesn't get easier, if anything it gets harder. My heart cracked in two. I miss him everyday. His shadow follows me everywhere. The house is empty.
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I catch myself still looking out the door to see if Jake is laying there wanting to come in, I'm still careful when rolling my office chair back, as to not run over Jake's tail....then realizing he is not ...and then the tears start
you make me cry....
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