Thursday, August 09, 2007

Summer Report

where have i been some of my loyal readers might have wondered. well i've been working. i was coaxed out of retirement and back into the work force. i am now a family mediator. it's such interesting work and would recommend it as a career for anyone who likes to help people fix their problems.
it suits me as i am a kind of middle of the road person. i can recall as a little girl thinking the middle is a good place to be. funny because some 60 years later and an interest in buddhism. i try to follow "the middle way". being a mediator means literally being in the middle. being a neutral third party who helps couples come up with their own solution to parenting and supporting their children.
it's a much more compassionate and healing process than the antiquated court process, that pits one side against the other. and where no one wins , especially the children.
i meditate then i mediate. it suits me. i like to think of my self as a fair person, compassionate, and a good listener. my weakness is not a good memory.
when i was little i hated conflict. i avoided it all my life. as i matured , i realized conflict is not all negative. it brings about change. being in a joint mediation session is being in the midst of conflict. but it's not my conflict. i just play referee and try to keep the communication fair and directed towards a resolution. it is so satisfying at the end of a session to see the old adversaries walk out laughing. almost holding hands, but not quite. knowing that they still have something in common, that they each love their children more than anyone else in the world.
so that's where i've been. it's temporary. if i were younger i'd consider staying with it. but having had a taste of freedom, i can't go back. i miss waking up and feeling " i don't really have to get up" although i usually do. planning my day around trips to the grocery store, luch with an old friend, being available to pick up my grandson at school. be avaiable period for whatever the day brings. what more can one ask for ?