Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Happy 1ooth birthday to my dear Mother, who we hope is riding bareback across the fields of heaven. This is my granddaughter, who is still four and amazed that everyday she wakes up saying "I am still four years old".

I had a wonderfu New Years Eve with old friends and new. We had Boston Brown Bread and Boston Baked Beans. Most fitting as my sweet mother used to make them every Saturday when I was growing up.

I did one thing I promised over Christmas and that was to call each of my siblings to have a nice long chat. Only one brother I couldn't reach . And my sweet sister in law in Florida. She has to email me her phone number so I can chat with her. Isn't it great that we have emails,blogs,facebook, skype and twitter to stay in touch with the ones we love . And to get to know so many others around the world. I feel I have made such wonderful friends, I am truly blessed.
What a Christmas it has been. I have been so busy socializing. Everyday there is an invitation to a party , lunch or dinner. Or just a freind droping in for tea or coffee. Today I'm going out for supper. It will be a jolly time. I am so greatful for all the blessings of my life. And I feel such an abundance, that is a real gift. In a time of econonomic uncertainty I feel so blessed.

I wasn't going to make any New Year's Resolutions as I dont want to make the usual obligatory ones I never keep. So I was thinking of vague terms about being more open to joy and things like that. I did jot down a few things I would like to work on :

1. swear less. I woke up swearing this morning (at the cats or dogs) and I continued , by the time I got home from our walk I bet I had sworn about 30 times.(the leashes twisted around my ankles warranted half of the curses)
2.Experience more joy
3. fear less
4. become master of my appetites
5.meditate more
6.move more
7.have more contact with my grandchildren away
8.laugh more (I just added this one)
9.assume good will
10.cultivate a culture of trust
11.remember that sometimes you have to teach a thing (person,child or animal) it's loveliness.
12.count my blessings

Have a wonderful new year and take time to really appreciate the good things in your life and ask for strength to see you through the difficult times. And lastly be kind!~
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Blogger Unknown said...

how lovely. i think i'll take that list as my own too. and yes - keith is feeling better after acupuncture and i am really needed here (mostly for the other children right now) so i think daughter is winning. xxx

7:21 PM  
Blogger patsyrose said...

I'm so glad you're blogging more often because it gives me a chance to follow your wonderful life. Keep it up, have lots of fun, and don't worry about the swearing (they're only words).

11:32 AM  

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