Monday, May 18, 2009


This is my Christmas lad "Stiff-legs" He was a gift from Mo'a Romig-Boyles,a wonderful artist/blogger . It's Victoria Day and we are having a quiet day at home. He sits on my desk with a little Buddha I bought when I was on retreat with Thich Nhat Hann.
What is the secret you ask? Well if I told you it wouldn't be much of a secret now would it?
I'm a pretty good secret keeper. Having chosen careers where others trusted me with their most intimate secrets, it's an honour I don't take lightly.
Do you remember the book "The Secret Garden"? It remains one of my favourite books of all times. The lovely overgrown garden with a tragic story.
We're all a bit like that. We all have our own secrets don't we? I'm trying not to have secrets. I want my life to be fairly transparent. I don't believe that's entirely possible, but I think a lot of secrets are based in shame.
I grew up with a lot of shame. Mostly for things that were beyond my control. Grown-ups choices which affected me profoundly. Secrets about our family.
It' s so freeing to bring the dark secrets to light. Then they have no power over us. Sometimes it's a little complicated to explain, but I try to be honest. Perhaps the other person doesn't need more information. Just a simple explanation.
That's not to say mystery isn't good. I think a little mystery adds a little spice to life.

What secret are you keeping today?
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