Saturday, September 22, 2007

autumn in sop's arm

It has been a simply spendid day! I drove to Sop's Arm to visit a friend .It has been a perfect autumn day. The sky was blue , the leaves are just starting to turn. I travelled with old friends and had a fantastic meal, picked partridge berries and laid in the sun
What more could one ask from life?
So far it's been a wonderful fall. Very warm weather, sunny clear days. The garden is still blooming. I've been in such a good place these last few weeks. I'm almost fearful the shoe will drop and it will all come crashing down.
I'm kind of worried, I half think the medication i'm on for my arthritic knee, is giving me a high. I'm actually happy!
The summer family reunion is over.It was a wonderful time. Seeing cousins I haven't seen for a while.Spending time with my sisters and my brother. In a perfect location on the Bay of Funday. I've already booked a cottage for next year when we have a school reunion.
We took a side trip to Bar Harbor (or as my little grandaughter says:"baaaa haaa baaa" with a lovely trill to her voice). I love Bar Harbor, there is something magical about it.
We had some tense moments when the leaf spring on the pop-up camper broke in the middle of a busy intersection. People popped out of everywhere to offer assistance. We called a tow truck and got a guy with a big attitude and a swagger. He strapped the camper in a sling and took it off to his garage.
We drove on to Bar Harbor, a little frayed, it was late and we were warned we wouldn't find a motel . My daughter insisted on getting a motel with a pool . I was sure we wouldn't and it was a waste of time to look. But she found one! Although the pool hadn't been operational for 3 years'
The gypsy who ran the place said she couldn't find a plumber.
It was great! clean and central. Just down the road was the loveliest wading pool. The children loved it . It was a big circular shallow wading pool, deep enough for me to sit in and shallow enough that we didn't have to worry about the kids.
We ate at great restaurants, went shopping.visited a museum, long walks along the shore. It was heavenly and felt like a real holiday.Even though it was only a couple of days I know the kids will have cherished memories of the trip.
They loved meeting new cousins and still talk about them.
Our family reunion ended with a lovely brunch. We weren't able to stay for the whale watch, as we wanted to drive as close to the ferry as we could. Living in Newfoundland, we often get to see whales and dolphins, even in the Bay of Islands.
Since coming home, I've been busy at work. Still enjoying it a lot. I may be staying on longer than I thought. It's been a busy fall. I'm going away next weekend to a lodge in the country. Thanksgiving weekend I'll be in Montreal. In November I signed up for a "Body,Mind and Soul" retreat.
Then I'm not sure how the winter will shape up. I do want to go down south. Christmas plans aren't formulated. And I have a big birthday coming up in April..............
There's just too much living to do............


Blogger patsyrose said...

Your life is full and fabulous. You'd better be planning to spend part of that fabulous life down in Florida this winter!!!

9:13 AM  
Blogger bluebird of paradise said...

you bet your boots i'll be in florida, i'm already trying to build up overtime. when do you go on your cruise?

6:10 PM  

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