Friday, March 09, 2007

sweet relief

they are home! the parents that is. i survived. it was hard but i survived and i think my grandsons still like me. the baby has been avoiding eye contact, he may be feeling a little guilty cheating on mommy ( the breast incident). it was an experience i would not have wanted to miss. it's like french immersion. being thrown in the middle of a pack of wild wolf puppies.
there were many benefits, one was to experience the essence of my daughter's home. and to feel the wonderful peace and family life she and her husband have created.
walking into their bedroom, flooded wiith afternoon sunlight , it felt a sacred place.
the boys are just amazing children, kind , sweet and peppered with enough michieviousness to be healthy rowdy boys.
reading stories at bedtime was my favourite thing. they are so saturated in creativity. great imaginations, reminding me that i once had access to that wonderful place of "make believe".
and i fell in love with the baby. blond and cherub looking. so loving and thoughtful. after wrestling him to change his poopy diaper he would say "tank you " his favourite words are "tank you " and "torry nan"
the teachers report that he has on several occassions clobbered another student. when i discuss it with him, our conversation goes like this:
nanny: did you have a good day at school today?
baby: yeth
nanny: the teacher says you hit someone. did you?
baby: no
nanny: you know it's not a nice thing to hit someone, don't you?
baby: torry nan!
nanny : you won't do it anymore will you?
baby: o tay nan!

you know he is the most unaggressive child at home, i can't believe he hits other kids at school. i suspect his back must be to the wall...............
so now i'm relishing in having no duties. and looking forward to the next leg of the journey. my play time in florida. it's somewhat like play school , we all ge t together everyday at the social center and play all day. i promise i will not hit anyone(unless they hit me first)



Blogger patsyrose said...

We have a few bad children at our play center (the clubhouse). They toss cigarette butts on the ground at the front door because they don't like the little smoking room they've been allotted. They also want to be able to pee in the bushes if they choose. The rest of us are very, very nice and will be happy to play games, go out to dinner, or hang out at the pool with you.

5:50 PM  

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