Sunday, February 04, 2007

sunday, feb. 4th, 2007

this is a photo of my front door this morning. when i went to let the dog out, there was two feet of snow. poor "lucky" , he didn't know where to go. lucky, for him the way the wind blew it provided a tunnel under the drifts of snow , so he managed to pee . then we had to blaze a path to the bird feeder. the gluttenous pigeons were waiting for breakfast. it is an aerodynamic mystery to me how they manage to fly in 100 km winds.
the bay is covered in ice. all is white except for a charcoal pathway ,where the pulp and paper carrier cut through the ice.

it has been stormy all of january and it looks like february will be much of the same. well , not for me. i am flying south exactly two weeks from today. first, to little rock ,arkansas, to look after my beautiful grandsons , while their parents are galavanting in europe.

then , i will go to florida for two weeks. playtime with my wonderful sister in law, and sister and brother in law. they know how to enjoy life and are generous enough to let me tag along.
then a stop in toronto to help my oldest sister celebrate her birthday. she definetely does not act (or look) her age.
then home, the 25th of march. by then the christmas wreath will come down, and hopefully the snow will be a distant memory. i'll be watching for the tulips and crocuses ( croci?) that i planted in that lovely warm day in september.
this afternoon we are going skiing. my daughter , her family and in-laws. i'm hoping the sun will be out by then.this will be my wee grandaugther 's first day out skiing. her older brother is very accomplished at cross country skiing, downhill skiing and snow boarding.
my skiing skills have not progressed in the twenty or so years i've been skiing. i just don't fall down as much . i shuffle around counting to myself. adn enyoying the winter wonderland around me. i stiffen up when i go down hill. telling myself to bend my knees. instead i lock them into rigidity.and go whizzing down the hill, wanting to yell "wheeeeeeee" all the way down.
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Blogger patsyrose said...

It's amazing how beautiful a heavy, traffic blocking snowfall looks when you're not in it!

5:51 PM  

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