Monday, February 18, 2008


I hope you had a wonderful Valintines Day. I did.
Chocolates from my daughter and a beautiful card that made me happy. My other daughter gave me a certificate to Kiva. if you don't know what that is "google " it. It's a grassroots lending agency. They charge no interest on the loan. you lend the money to people in the 'developing' world . A misnomer if there ever was one. They are developed, but continually exploited by the West or corrupt governments. In any case, the jist of it is , you lend money to someone who wants to buy some chickens, or set up a canteen, or buy supplies for a craft. They get money from you as well as other lenders. You charge no interest, the repayment rate is around or above 90%. When you recieve your repayment, you could just keep the money working to help others. I love the idea. It isn't charity, it's a loan, and you know for you Christians. the bible says you should not charge interest on money lent. Banks take heed! It's an idea whose time has come.
The tulips were from me! I needed to see spring. And tulips are much cheaper than airfare to Florida (which is where my soul is).I bought 6 bunches, kept two for me and gave the rest away.
Winter is a drag. I'm too old to be cold. The night before last, my furnace gave out at 4 am. My basement is only accessible outdoors under the deck. So at 4 am I am crawling on my hands and knees through a snowdrift to the rat hole Icall a basement , to try to restart the furnace. It works, but by now I am wide awake and into survival mode. I cannot sleep. Seeing I only had sporadic sleep the night before as I babysat my grandchildren and a buddy who slept over. My 7 year old grandson punched him in the stomach just before bedtime and loudly announced, "I dont' like sleepovers!" Neither did I at that point (or ever )
His stoic friend whimpered all night. My three year old grandaughter fell out of bed. The only one who slept was the naughty boy. See there is no justice for the wicked.
Today i'm recovering from a wild weekend. I think I liked it better when I was the one who stayed out all night and slept till 4pm the next day, next to my valentine.
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Blogger Kyran said...

I love waking up and seeing a new post from you! I can't wait until you retire again and go back to being a full time blogger. ;-)

Glad you loved Kiva. I do too.


7:45 AM  

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